Onde Martenot & diverse instruments


Onde and accordion

Stockhausen Karlheinz (1928-2007)
Tierkreis (1975) variable 


Vivier Claude (1948-1983)

Pulau Dewata (1977) 12’


Vodenitcharov Yassen

Les oiseaux du lac Stymphale (2012) 5’



Onde and two microtonal accordions

Criton Pascale

Circa (2019) 16'



Onde and cello 

Moss Piotr (1949-)

Andante religioso (1992) 12’


Nishimura Akira (1953-)

Silver Cord (1993) 13’


Tisné Antoine (1932-1998)

Aux contrées du songe (n.d.) 25’ (can be cut) 



Onde and flute

Lesage Jean (1958-)

Les Mystères de la Clarté (1987-1991) 9’


Maderna Bruno (1929-1973)

Dialodia (1971-72) 2’



Onde, guitare and soprano 

Bellocq Ivane Béatrice (1958-)

3 Donne (2007) 20’ (can be cut). 


Sciortino Patrice (1922-)

Pasalamen (1984) 9’45



Onde and organ 

Bousch François (1946-)

Ondes cristallisées II (1975) 10’


Jolivet André (1905-1974)

Hymne à Saint-André (1947) 5’


Tisné Antoine

Féeries (1995) 15’



Onde and percussion    

Bousch François (1946-)

Points de suspension (1977) 8’


Charpentier Jacques (1933-)

Lalita (1961), 9’ 


Chaynes Charles (1925-) 

Points de rencontre (1975) 6’



Onde, percussion and bass clarinet

Lou Michelle

Five Phases for ondes (2020) 10' World premiere



Onde, percussion, flute, viola,cello and electronic

Maestri Eric

Sound (2023) 50' World premiere



Onde and piano

Abbott Alain A. (1938-)

De l'onde surgies No. 3 Hommage à Messiaen (2011) 4’30 

Covalences II (2015) 8' 


Creuze Roland (1949-) 

Dalmouri (1996) 8’


Cleary Siobhán (1970-)
The Whitening (2010) 4' World premiere


Dao Nguyen-Thien (1940-2015)

Bâi-Tâp (1974) 6’ 


Figols-Cuevas Daniel (1980-)

Tox (2017) 11' World premiere


Ito Miyuki (1968-)

La transparencia del espacio II (2010) 10' European premiere


Jolivet André (1905-1974)

Hymne à Saint-André (1947) 5’

Trois poèmes (1935) 16’


Kagel Mauricio (1931-2008)
Unguis incarnatus est (1972) 6'


Messiaen Olivier (1908-1992)

Oraison extract from Fête des belles eaux (1937) 9’


Milhaud Darius (1892-1974)

Suite op 120 c (1932) 10'


Murail Tristan (1947-)

Tigres de verre (1974) 8’

Les miroirs étendus (1971) 11’


Suzuki Rika (1960-)

L’égrenée (2010) 6’ European premiere


Vodenitcharov Yassen (1964-)

Piece cinétique. Hommage à Jesús Soto (2010) 5’30 European premiere



Onde and female voice

Bayer Francis (1938-2004)

Triptyque (1977) 14’


Leroux Philippe (1959-)

Un lieu verdoyant onde version (2016) 6' World premiere



Onde, piano and percussion

Chaynes Charles (1925-)

Tarquinia (197327’ (can be cut)


Louvier Alain (1945-)

Houles (1969) 12’30


Tessier Roger (1939-)

Vega (1973) 12’

Cheliak MK 34 (1976) 16’30


Tisné Antoine (1932-1998)

Vision des temps immémoriaux (1964) 16’


Vivier Claude (1948-1983)

Prolifération (1976) 15’

Pulau Dewata (1977) 12’



Onde, violin and cello

Criton Pascale (2018) 10' World premiere



Onde and two pianos tuned in quarter of tone

Wyschnegradsky Ivan (1893-1979)

Transparences I, op. 36 (1953) 8’30


Wyschnegradsky Ivan

Transparences II, op. 47 (1963) 11’30



Onde, piano, oboe and string quartet

Martinu Bohuslav (1890-1959)

Fantaisie (1944) 15’



Onde and serpents

Brenet Thérèse

(2016) (+ marimba) World Premiere


Forget Nathalie

Fée des serpents (2018)  World Premiere


Godard Michel

ST (2018) World Premiere



Onde, tuba and dance

Roland Creuze

Corpo di luce (2002) 10’ World Premiere



Onde, tuba and saxophone

Suzuki Jummei (1970-)

Falaise (2003) 12’ World premiere